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Remnant Low Soulik 2024

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Remnant Low Soulik

Live tracking map, satellite images and forecasts of Soulik 2024 (台風15号) over Thailand. Current wind speed 45km/h. Max 55km/h.

Soulik is located 180 km northwest of Da Nang, Vietnam, and has tracked westward at 20 km/h (11 knots) over the past 6 hours. Minimum central pressure at 19/06:00 UTC is 994 hPa.

Satellite imagery and radar imagery show that the system made landfall at approximately 19/03:00 UTC, with a partially-exposed low-level circulation center (LLCC) and curved banding wrapping into the LLCC.

Microwave imagery shows deep convective banding over the southwestern quadrant with a defined LLCC. The system is forecasted to track inland and dissipate over the next day.

This is the final warning on this system by JTWC. The system will be closely monitored for signs of regeneration.